Sunday, April 03, 2005

Helpful Skin Care Tips for Rosacea

Avoid pulling or scratching your facial skin; do not use loofahs, brushes, hard sponges or rough towels on your face.

Keep your face well protected when outdoors in cold or windy weather; always use a scarf to cover your cheeks and nose.

Drink a lot of water.

Use a humidifier to offset the drying effects of indoor heating.

Reduce your bathing time; use lukewarm, instead of steaming-hot water.

Stay away from harsh cleansers and astringents that over-dry your skin or any substance that causes redness or stinging.

Avoid alcohol-containing shaving creams or gels; do not use after-shave lotions.

Use an electric shaver rather than a blade, which might cause further irritation. If you use a blade, replace it regularly to avoid scraping.

Avoid skin care products that contain any one of the following ingredients: witch hazel, menthol, peppermint, salicylic acid, eucalyptus oil or clove oil.

Use natural fiber fabrics, other than wool, close to your face or against the skin. Cotton, linen, silk and hemp are soft, breathable and non-irritating.

Choose light, oil-free makeup products. They are safe to use and effective in countering the impact a rosacea flare-up may have on your appearance.