Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Sorbolene Creams

Sorbolenes are the biggest selling skin care products in Australian pharmacies.
Sorbolenes may appear to be great value-for-money, however many consumers do not realize the majority of sorbolenes are made from petrochemical by-products, such as mineral oils and paraffin, and are designed to act as barrier creams. Therefore, sorbolenes do not moisturize the skin, they only act as a barrier cream. Sorbolene creams are a mixture of oil (between 40% and 60%) and water. They have a high oil content which tends to make the cream sit longer on the skin surface. This can lead to clogged pores and pimples. Experts believe prolonged use of sorbolene may lead to the break-down of the skin’s normal barrier functions. Over time, the skin is unable to protect itself against the environment, which may lead to irritation and recurring problems. In many cases dermatologists have recommended sorbolene to people with dry, irritated and itchy skin conditions. The application of sorbolene temporarily alleviates the problem by smoothing the skin and making it feel moist. However, as sorbolene doesn’t penetrate the skin to moisturize, the problem soon returns, the skin becomes dry and once again begins to itch.