The Early Symptoms of Rosacea
The earliest recognizable stage of rosacea is called pre-rosacea. That blush of embarrassment that may pop up at an inopportune moment. The classic symptoms of pre-rosacea are patchy diffuse redness or flushing. Because the symptoms emerge slowly, rosacea may initially be mistaken for sunburn, leading to a delay in treatment.
Although rosacea may first appear when one is in their 20s, rosacea most frequently begins when sufferers enter their 30s, 40s or 50s as a flushing or transient redness on the cheeks or nose, and in some cases the chin or forehead. In this earliest stage, some sufferers may report stinging or burning sensations, including the feeling of dry or tight skin.
The signs and symptoms at this stage of rosacea include frequent episodes of flushing and redness of the face and neck that come and go. Many things can trigger a flushing episode, including exposure to the sun, emotional stress, alcohol, spicy foods, exercise, cold wind, hot foods and beverages, and hot baths. What causes flushing in one person may not cause a problem in another.
Labels: rosacea, rosacea redness, rosacea symptoms
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