Saturday, April 09, 2005

Sun Care Tips for Rosacea

Rosacea sufferers have very sensitive skin that requires special care. When you are outdoors, whether during the summer months or when enjoying winter activities, protect your skin by applying a daily facial moisturizer with a minimum of SPF 15, as well as additional sunscreen for protection against prolonged exposure to the sun. Let your prescribed topical medication dry before you apply your moisturizer, makeup or sunscreen.
Remember that protection against the sun’s harmful rays means covering all exposed parts of your body with a sunscreen, minimum of SPF15, according to guidelines set by the Canadian Dermatology Association. In addition to the face, be sure to apply the sunscreen generously to your neck and ears, reapplying it every few hours and after you have been in the water.
You may have to try several different sunscreens to find the one that is best suited to you.