Friday, August 05, 2005

Caring For Rosacea Sensitive Skin

Rosacea-sufferers should apply only a few basic products on their skin. They should restrain themselves from trying too many new products. Unfortunately, this is difficult as many are desperate and tend to succumb to this practice. It is best to choose products with simple formulations and few ingredients. Moreover, rosacea sufferers should apply less than the usual recommended amount initially until their skin acclimates to a new product. Those with severe conditions, who cannot tolerate any topical product, should be treated with oral medications and other procedures outlined in the article. Only after the inflammation and symptoms of irritation calm down should they venture to try new skin care products. When doing this, it is a good idea to start with one product at a time for 3 to 4 days before adding another one. This allows one to eliminate a culprit-product should irritation occur. I highly recommend choosing a small area of the face as a test site rather than applying a new product on the whole face.
• Avoid irritants. Any ingredient or product that provokes symptoms such as itching, stinging, burning or flushing should be discontinued. Unfortunately, certain products approved to treat rosacea papules/pustules and acne can induce such symptoms.
• Protect the skin from the elements of sun, wind, heat and cold. The impaired epidermal barrier in rosacean skin should be protected and allowed to heal. This can be achieved by wearing a silicone-coated physical sunscreen that offers adequate barrier function and capability.
• Conceal redness with a non-irritating foundation or mineral powder if tolerated. This is helpful in coping with the condition emotionally.
• Avoid high-potency topical corticosteroid. This treatment can give short-term relief but long-term steroid addiction, thinning of the skin and further progression of rosacea.
• Be gentle with the skin – avoid rubbing, squeezing of pustules and apply products by gently patting them on skin.