Saturday, April 16, 2005

Promoting Healthy Skin

Although rosacea is a chronic disorder, it can be effectively managed and controlled with medical therapy and avoidance of factors that aggravate the condition. Beyond this, patients can also take various measures that promote healthy skin. Here are some skin health tips often recommended by physicians.

Drink plenty of water. This will keep skin cells plump, helping to fend off fine wrinkles and will assist in flushing out toxins. Depending on your size, as many as eight full glasses a day may be advised.

Protect against dryness. When humidity is low, as in colder parts of the country during winter, keep skin hydrated with water or a moisturizer recommended by your doctor.

Cleanse with lukewarm water. Hot water tends to cause the skin to lose moisture and may also break down its natural protective barrier. Hot baths and showers have been reported to cause flushing and trigger flare-ups.

Sleep eight hours each night. Adequate sleep not only reduces stress, a common rosacea trigger, but also allows your skin time to rejuvenate.

Avoid beauty and skin-care products that sting, burn or itch. Read product labels to avoid ingredients that may irritate your individual condition.

Minimize exposure to the sun. Sun exposure is a common rosacea trigger, and can also damage the skin, accelerate the aging process and lead to skin cancer. It is therefore important to limit time in the sun and to use sunscreen year-round, even in winter.