Make-up Induced Rosacea
Moisturizers, toners and makeup can all worsen rosacea. Rosacea sufferers can use a variety of skin-care products to their advantage. Moisturizers can reduce flakiness and makeups can camouflage symptoms and improve appearance. You may have to experiment until you find the products that work best for your individual condition. Here are some general guidelines that will help you select products carefully:
Avoid ingredients that sting, burn or cause facial redness. Some ingredients to avoid include alcohol, witch hazel, menthol, peppermint, eucalyptus oil or clove oil.
Select fragrance-free products. If you must choose a product that contains a fragrance, be sure that it appears at the end of the list of ingredients. The further down it appears, the less fragrance the product contains.
Use makeup to hide blemishes and cover redness. Spot application of makeup may be used to cover blemishes and visible blood vessels, and green-tinted base foundations are available at most cosmetic counters to mask general redness. They can be followed by a skin-tone foundation. Avoid powders, which can make dry flaky skin look worse.