Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Rosacea Skin Care

Rosacea Skin Care starts with a proper lifestyle. Sometimes the simple things in life are ignored. Over time, the lack of simple maintenance can have drastic effects on your skin and body. The foods we eat, the products we use, and our daily activities all have an effect on our body.
Rosacea Skin Care and the foods we eat:
We have all heard the saying "You are what you eat". This statement is 100% true. Some of the foods and drinks to stay away from if you have rosacea are spicy foods (including spices like pepper), sweets like candy bars and cake, foods with a high fat content, soda to include diet soda and sugar filled drinks, coffee and tea, and alcohol. Each have different reactions to the body. Sugar and fat, when broken down are very acidic. Spicy foods and stimulants like coffee can increase blood pressure which leads to increased flushing. Keeping the body's PH Level above a 7.0 is healthy.