Sunday, September 18, 2005

What I've Learned About Rosacea : Explain Special Needs To Family And Friends

Have a frank, open discussion with family, friends, and co-workers about your condition. Admit you have a problem and need their help. They need to know how rosacea affects how you look and feel. Tell them what they can do to help you. I'm always surprised at how hard the people around me work to accommodate me. When my face looks awful, they understand when I say that I can't bear going out for an evening of fun with them. BUT, they force me to get out, face the world, have a good time, and forget for awhile. If your face can't bear an overheated house, friends may be able to set their thermostat back a bit, or find you a place to sit near an open window, with lots of cold water to sip. When the people, who love you, understand what causes a problem for your rosacea, they often come up with a creative that you would never have dreamed of on your own. Once people understand that this is more than just a cosmetic issue, that it's something that may never be cured, that you may have to live with it for decades, they tend to be willing to help out when possible. You don't have to harp or be preachy...just a gentle reminder that your face feels like it has a painful sunburn is often reminder enough.